Collection: Nokia

  • Bringing people closer without costing the Earth: Nokia phones have always been made to last. And while keeping your device for longer is better for the environment, we’re now going even further. From our efforts to cut e-waste to our partnerships with environmental causes, we’re taking real action to help protect our planet.
  • Making phones that make a difference: There are two costs to every new phone – the money you pay, and the resources used to make it. By keeping our phones for longer, we save on both of those costs.
  • Reducing e-waste: The average consumer already own three mobile phone chargers.⁵ So, to help reduce needless waste, we removed the wall charger from the package contents of Nokia X20 and Nokia X10 devices.
  • Clear Rivers | For a plastic-free sea: Meanwhile, we’ve kept the wall charger available for purchase in the Nokia phones store, with 10 € from every sale going straight to the Clear Rivers foundation.
  • Planting trees with your phone: Nokia phones have partnered with Ecologi, giving customers the chance to get real trees planted with every purchase of selected smartphones.

Find out more at: Nokia Sustainability